Welcome to Clearview Aluminium Windows & Doors


Clearview Aluminium Windows and Doors is a Tasmanian company based in Launceston.

Visitors are welcome to inspect our wide range of quality aluminium windows and doors.

We offer a full array of aluminium powder coating colours, as well as the latest glass options including energy efficient double glazing.

“Thanks for doing such a wonderful job of the windows and doors.  You should be very proud of your team, as they worked super hard.  Shaun and I are extremely pleased with the overall finish, as well as the difference that the installation has made to our previous condensation problem.”

- Shaun and Jennifer

Why us?

The Clearview team are happy to listen, assist or advise, provide free quotes and arrange installation. Our aim is to provide a seamless service to ensure your requirements and expectations are met.

Why choose powder coated aluminium windows and doors?


Long lasting and
very Secure


Light and very


Easy to


Economical, no
painting required


“It has completely transformed my house and we all love it.”

Jo  |  Happy customer



Clearview Aluminium Windows and Doors specialise in replacement aluminium windows and doors for your existing home, as well as manufacturing windows and doors for your new home or renovations. We can replace your windows and doors with new frames, you can choose either single glazing, or the popular energy efficient double glazed units that assist with retaining the warmth in your home, reducing condensation and keeping your home cooler in summer.

The Clearview team are happy to listen, assist or advise, provide free quotes and arrange installation. Our aim is to provide a seamless service to ensure your requirements and expectations are met.


I just wanted to say thanks for the new windows. Your guys did such a good job and the windows look fantastic – on the inside and the outside.
That’s all our windows done now and they’ve transformed the look of our house, as well as the function.
I can’t recommend Clearview highly enough, for your promptness with the quote and the actual work being done, as well as the quality of the work.
— Lisa and Roger